Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Trump Designates National Monument

On Friday, President Trump used his executive powers to designate the very first national monument of his presidency: a 380-acre site in Nicholasville, Ky. honoring black soldiers and refugees during the Civil War called Camp Nelson.

That day, transiting Ceres at 25 Libra was conjunct Trump's progressed Jupiter (publicity) at 24 Libra (social issues) and square his Venus (social issues) at 25 Cancer and his Saturn (construction) at 23 Cancer. This has received virtually zero press. It is conceivable that this is because the monument honors black men, and the corporate media has been painting Trump as a racist. I have been linking racial issues to the Moon, Cancer, and the Fourth House.

We have ample evidence to link Ceres to removals and disappearances. We are going to start looking for more examples for when transiting Ceres accompanies a significant gain as well.

Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "".

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